Hi! I’m Hannah,
an anxious college student with a passion for connecting book characters to songs ... and other writing things.
I've always found it difficult to talk about myself, even in an informal situation, primarily due to my impressive ability to overshare, both charming and concerning the person I'm talking to.
But I'll try my best.
I grew up in Maryland but spent some of my teenage years in St. Croix. Both places — culture, experiences, and people — make up who I am today, so it's always worth mentioning my love for them. Now, I attend Fordham University in New York City, adding another different environment to my list.
I'm studying English (yes, I'm excited about my three-hour-long Shakespeare class) with a minor in Communications & Culture. Basically, I love reading so much that I want to edit books for a living.
I'm also the Copy Chief for Volume 105 of The Fordham Ram, which is my campus' resident newspaper. I somewhat finessed my way into the Assistant position in Volume 104, where I fell in love with editing and wanted nothing more than to come back for more.
I've played sports my whole life (shocking), and my passion for volleyball runs deep. I played year-round back in Maryland, and I actually coached a club team during my senior year of high school. I still coach when I come home on breaks, but now I play intramural at Fordham with my friends from the Ram.
As a Virgo sun and moon with a Scorpio rising, I can be a reasonably judgemental perfectionist, which aids me when I write and edit. However, this never impacts my taste in music. I am a passionate advocate for "don't judge people's music," but feel free to check out my Spotify and judge me.
I hope you found what you're looking for here. If you didn't, good luck, thanks for stopping by, and have an excellent life!
published works
Looking Back on the Capital Gazette Shooting One Year Later
Students engage in screen time overload during pandemic
Balancing work, school harder online, students say
Speaker: Prejudice against immigrants stems from fear
Class of 2021 will ride on Ring Road, not walk on stage
College celebrates women’s history with online events
AACC plans to add chatbot to assist students online
“Cobra Kai” Season 5 Packs Its Biggest Punch Yet
No One Owes You Their Sexuality
Sophomore Shares Passion for Rowing and Climate Change
Former History Teacher Ron DeSantis Bans AP African American History